Is There a Downside to Inclusion?

The unpredictable and sometimes outrageous United States presidential race has placed the power of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) front and center in the American consciousness. Democratic and Republican candidates alike have bragged about their ability to attract millions of new constituents by casting their diversity nets wider, capturing previously disaffected and tuned-out voters. As a…

Discovering the “Secret Ingredient” That Enhances Your P.I.E. (Performance, Image and Exposure)

This is an interesting time to be a multicultural person in the global workplace. The explosion of commerce in the global marketplace, fueled by technology, has increased the recognition of the critically important and competitively differentiating value, of the multicultural (non-white) consumer and employee. There is clearly a valid argument that white people, can in…

Uncovering Your Authentic Self

Business literature is replete with the importance of authenticity and transparency as key requirements for leadership. Yet, for many people of color and women, being authentic and transparent can be challenging.  We remain unsure and/or untrusting that our workplaces will embrace and accept our authentic, true selves.  This hooks those unconscious, internalized cultural archetypes that…