Dr. Vanessa Weaver was born into a family of African-American entrepreneurs that expected success and service to others. She translated that expectation in to a commitment to advance diversity and inclusion. Under Dr. Weaver’s leadership, Alignment Strategies has led the charge, influencing organizations to focus on diversity as a business enabler. ALS’ initiatives reduced attrition among Multicultural professionals, by as much as 50 percent. Dr. Weaver leverages media to advance D&I conversations. She launched DITV, a 24/7 Web-based news show, in October 2017. She is Executive Producer and Lead Host of Workin’ It Out on Soundcloud and iTunes Podcasts. Dr. Weaver is a regular columnist for Diversity Best Practices’ online newsletter. She co-authored Smart Women, Smart Moves, focusing on how women create and maintain work relationships. Dr. Weaver holds a BS, Masters and PhD in Clinical Psychology.